Singapore Students’ Visit to Bali’s Waste Management Facility

Twenty students from ITE College Central, Singapore, visited the Bali Waste Management Training Centre (BWMTC) and TPS3R Pemogan on Monday, 16 September 2024. This activity was part of the Overseas Development Programme, a collaboration between ITE College Central, Singapore, and Rotary Club Bali Denpasar (RCBD).

Arriving at the training center at 9:00 AM, the event started with a clean-up at the training center and the Taman Pancing area, followed by waste sorting at TPS3R. The students also practiced using the compost shredder and organic shredder machines. Afterward, they planted shade trees at the TPS3R area, choosing fruit trees such as rambutan, mango, and longan. The hope is that the trees will provide shade and bear fruit that the TPS3R team can enjoy.

ITE College Central Singapore also contributed to the garden’s improvement, installed a sink (for handwashing), installed connectors for the brick press machine and generator, and provided personal protective equipment (PPE) for the machine technicians. Mr. Mudana, the TPS3R Pemogan coordinator, welcomed this visit warmly. He explained the activities at TPS3R, the waste collection process, sorting, and thanked ITE College for their contribution to improving the TPS3R infrastructure.

After the activities, under cloudy skies and light rain, the students returned to the training center for a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) about waste issues and handling efforts. They also shared stories about waste management conditions in Singapore. PP Ayu Surya explained Rotary’s programs, and Lisa, the BWMTC coordinator, added information about BWMTC activities.

Hopefully, this visit and sharing session will be beneficial, and the cooperation will continue, in line with the visit’s theme, “fun and impactful.”

17 September 2024 Visit to Yayasan Lengis Hijau, together with ITE College Central Singapore and RCBD. The visit focused on reusing used cooking oil (from hotels, households, and other businesses), which is processed into soap and candles.

During this visit, the BWMTC representatives met Mr. Tri (Director of Yayasan Lengis Hijau) and had the opportunity to facilitate one of the ACK (fried chicken) outlets to cooperate with Yayasan Lengis Hijau (ACK Cokro 1). This outlet will deliver its used cooking oil to YLH on 18 September 2024.